This symbol stands for Universal, this means that the film is suitable for all ages mainly above the aged of 4, as there isn't any scenes that would upset the majority of children although it can be hard to tell as come children are more emotional than others. Films that contain a U classification mean that is contains a positive moral and reassures the audience that it will not contain any type of violence, threat or horror.
A U film usually has any type of theme as long as it doesn't contain descrimination of language or even behaviour or any below. No scenes of mis use of drugs or illigal drugs are used as it can influence young children. Howevere there is an exception to drugs if the film contains a clear message of anti drugs, that can be educational for young children to teach them at an early age of what is bad from them. Bad language and behavous is not allowed within a U as children can be influenced to copy the stunts or behaviour they see. The use of weapons can be seen dangerous as young children may think that they are fun to use and kill. This also comes under the use of horror as children don't like to be scared, and from being scared it could damage them and stay with them for life. Therefore horror isn't allowed unless its very minor and doesn't appear to frightening to children. Sex and nudity can be allowed, for example the use of light kissing or natural nudity without sexual context. However the use of sexual context is not allowed or sexual nudity.

This symbol of PG is known as Parental Guidance, this is a general viewing although a few scenes may unsuitable for children. Although children of any age are able to watch a PG film as long as they are accompanied by an adult. However children around the age of 8 are more suitable but it is up to the parents of that child whether they should watch it as it can be upsetting for younger children.
Like universal the use of discriminational language or behaviour is not allowed as children may become ware of people who are different from them. As well as the use of illigal drugs and mis use of drugs are not allowed to be used, although it can be used when addressing an anti drungs message. ONly a mild bad language is allowed to be used although imitable behaviour still isn't allowed as children are presuaded to copy it, especially the use of weapons and violence. However violence is allowed when in the use of comedy, history or even fantacy, this can only be used when moderate violence without detail is used. The use of horror can be used but only when using fantacy might be a mitigating factor, but horrifying scenes are not to be used. The use of sex and nudity is allowed but must be discret, natural nudity is allowed, and also the use of mild sex references only, no sexual content. This classification contains more serious issues for instance the use of domestic violence.

This means that its suitable for 12 years and is exactly the same criteria for a 12A . This is suitable for the ages of 12 and over as it may upset children under the age of 12, parents may also believe it is un suitable for their children. 12 A is used only within cinemas as no one under the age of 12 is able to watch the film unless they are accompanied by an adult. This allows parents to allow their child to watch the film as it is the parents decision and they are responsible for them. 12 is mainly for videos as no on younger than 12 is able to purchase that video.
This classification is suitable for 15 years or over only, no one under the age of 15 is allowed to watch this within a cinema. No one younger than 15 is allowed to purchase a 15 video either.
This means that its suitable for 12 years and is exactly the same criteria for a 12A . This is suitable for the ages of 12 and over as it may upset children under the age of 12, parents may also believe it is un suitable for their children. 12 A is used only within cinemas as no one under the age of 12 is able to watch the film unless they are accompanied by an adult. This allows parents to allow their child to watch the film as it is the parents decision and they are responsible for them. 12 is mainly for videos as no on younger than 12 is able to purchase that video.
This classification is mainly for adults, of the age of 18 or over. No one under the age of 18 is allowed to see this in a cinema or purchase a video as it contains violence, bad language and scenes of a sexual nature.
By Luka Sindle and Jasmine Smith
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