Friday 26 November 2010

Spy Kids action genre

I have watched the opening sequence to Spy Kids which is a action genre.  The audience can tell that it is an action genre as the music is very fast paced and the shot durations are very short. This shows the pace of the film and that there is going to be lots of action and that it will be very intense and exciting. In the opening sequence there is an establishing shot of where the children live to help introduce the main characters and also where lots of the filming might take place. The main characters were introduced from the start which is a contrast to fantasy genres. This is to make the film more realistic so children can try and relate to it. The narrative of the film starts immediately with a man talking about spy agents. This lets the audience know straight away what the film involves. The fatc that the film did not start with a long slow paced title sequence helps speed up the pace of the film and gets the audience hooked from the start. In the opening sequence there is no magical aspects, there is just unrealistic gadgets. This is done to make the film more realistic so more people can relate to it. It exagerates all the aspects of being a special agent to make it more interesting.   Colin Chadwick

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