Thursday 25 November 2010

Evaluation Of Preliminary Task

As a group we feel we've been successful in the making of our preliminary task with very little camera experience. During the making of the video, we had to change our original storyboard from "Cops and Robbers" to a "Chase" scene which included a woman being chased by a man. We had to change this and create something on the spot  because our main character wasn't present on the day of filming. Therefore, we had to find another actor in order to have two characters within our film and one of us to film it. After filming we then had to edit our scene to create an opening sequence, it was difficult at first as we were unsure how to use the editing programme. However we believe that we managed to get the hang of it and edit. We deleted the scenes we didnt need and swapped some around so that it would make more sense to the reader. We then decided to use garage band to create a fast pase composition of music to go along side our sequence. after this we uploaded it onto youtube and placed in on our blog. As a reflection, we feel we could've been more prepared in the sense that we could've created an alternative storyboard for emergences. This would have meant we would have been more organised and confident because we'd know what do produce.  By Luka Sindle, Colin Chadwick and Jasmine Smith.

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