Friday, 12 November 2010

How are the conventions constructed differently in your two chosen films opening sequences?

The conventions were structed differently within the two opening film-sequences. Harry Potter was a trailer whereas Monsters Inc was an actual opening sequence of the film. in the Harry Poter trailer, it introduced all of the main chracters and the different aspects of the film. Monsters Inc, however, focused more on the credits of who prodcued the film and was based on the main concept of the film by the way the doors opened with the credits - it gives an insight for what to expect as the monsers come out of the closet in the film. It was an animation which targeted the younger audience by the way colours and images were used. Harry Potter, on the other hand, is targeted at an older audience as there was a lot more violence and general acting that suits the older generation. Harry Potter also gave away the narrative a lot more, Monsters Inc was unclear on what was going to happen as they focused entirely on credits and not on the storyline. Monsters Inc and harry Potter both had non-dieegetic music throughout the entire clip - the shot duration of Harry Potter were shorter to convey high paced action, it got louder and more intense to fit the theme of the film. Monsters Inc's music can be greatly contrasted as it was a simple, realistic happy soundtrack to gain their audiences interest.

By Luka Sindle, Colin Chadwick and Jasmine Smith

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