Tuesday 16 November 2010

Cops and Robbers

For our film opening we have used an establishing shot,  our opening sequence is based on a robber who's stolen a bag from a princess and a police offiicer is trying to recover it. In shot 2, we're using a close-up shot showing the policeman looking through the door before shot 3 sees him kicking down the door intensively. In shot 4, the robber is caught trying to escape via a window, a reaction shot is used to capture his shock whilst hes trying to escape. A long-shot is used in shot 5 when the policeman is chasing the robber down the path before shooting him and shot 6 sees the bag returned to the thankful princess. The continuity of the gun, bag and costumes are continued throughout the different shots, we're also going to stick to the 180 degree rule throughout all the shots as well to keep confusion to a minimum.

By Luka Sindle, Colin Chadwick and Jasmine Smith.

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